Hello all! I just realized I never made an introduction post. Whoopsie! Anyway, I'm Teal. I have a lot of different characters, so probably just easiest if you just call me Teal. I started this guild since I figured that it would be nice to have somewhere for new players to group together, and to have older players that want to help them available in one spot. Hopefully this works out!
I'm usually on Dix, Lyeena, Teal~, Margaretha Sorin, Nocturnales, TTTT or Truffle Shuffle. However I have a TON more characters spread over quite a few accounts, but I always try to leave one of those characters online. I AFK by the Kafra at East Prontera most of the time, although sometimes I sit in Lighthalzen as well. I'm a member of Loki's Realm as well, especially for WoE.
Here are my ROPD links in case you need to find me and I'm not on any of those listed characters: onetwothreefourfive
I have 4 dogs which are my babies, and I've recently taken up cross stitching and drawing. Also I have weird sleeping hours and get sick a lot so if you happen to see me on at odd hours, that's why.